
Lingofy, Write with style! Lingofy provides clear, concise and consistent text wherever you are writing.

Lingofy is a highly customizable, advanced text proofing system, capable of checking for spelling, style, word usage and proper names. Developed by a team of copy editors and linguists, Lingofy goes beyond spell-checking and proofs your content, providing error-free text in seconds. Extensions Everyone has their own preference for writing tools and we don’t think software should confine you. Lingofy provides extensions for web browsers, Google Docs, Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign. Proof your content from the comfort of your own devices and preferred applications. Lingofy’s browser extensions will give you all the proofing power you need, whether you’re blogging in WordPress, posting on Facebook or tweeting with Hootsuite. Professional tools for today Proof your content like the pros - against the AP Stylebook or your own custom-made dictionary! Put an end to embarrassing mistakes. Lingofy is designed to meet the modern day challenges content creators face daily. Accuracy and clarity are paramount but you a



