UI.Vision RPA 浏览器自动化工具, 开源的 Selenium IDE, 现代的网页自动化工具 (支持行为录制和回放)。适用于网页自动化测试,表单填写以及网页内容抓取。
Kantu is the most popular open-source web macro recorder. If there’s an activity you have to do repeatedly, just create a web macro for it. The next time you need to do it, the entire macro will run at the click of a button and do the work for you.
Kantu's main focus is ease of use, good recording and reliable playback for all kinds of browser automation projects. It is a record & replay tool for automated testing and a "swiss army knife" for general web automation, automating file uploads and autofill form filling. It is also intended as an open-source alternative to iMacros and Selenium IDE.
Firefox Selenium IDE users, please note: The current version supports the most commonly used "Selenese" commands, but not all. => We are adding new commands as needed. So if you miss a command that you need for your test automation work, please let us know.
The more feedback we get about a certain missing command or feature, the higher it moves in the "todo" list :-)
Please send feedback and questions to
team AT a9