
AutoplayStopper, Stops video autoplay gracefully.

Make video players (flash & html5) show video thumbnail instead of autoplaying… IMPORTANT NOTICE: some video conferencing sites will only work if they are allowed to autoplay... If videos still autoplay try enabling proactive blocking for the site by either Clicking the 'Allow autoplay for...' menuitem until it's highlighted dark red. Adding 'Block (shadow)' autoplay exception for the site from the settings. Features: • Allow autoplay for websites • Enable proactive blocking for websites Stop media autoplay in shadow dom (performance impact) • Allow session autoplay for websites Stop only first autoplay for a continuous session in the website (for video sites like Dailymotion) • Disable flash detection for websites Force sites to use their html5 player which can always be stopped. • Quick add-on enable/disable (left-dblclick) • Play/Pause context menu item will show for covered video elements (ctrl+right-click to ensure default context) Release Notes: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Version 10/9/2023 • Fixed popup men



